Are you too busy?

Too many tasks and not enough hours in your day?  Let us take some of that load off of you so that you will have more time to focus on other areas of your business.  Or, perhaps, more time to spend doing all of those other things you really WANT to know, the FUN "to do" list...the things you thought you might get to do from time-to-time by owning your own business. 

Need an expert?

Let us help you in the area where WE are the EXPERTS:  your business finances...your DAY-TO-DAY BOOKKEEPING functions....those detailed, necessary tasks that take up so much of your day that you are struggling to find the time to focus on other areas that really need your attention.  

Need project tracking?

Need a simple, easy-to-use process for tracking project expenses and monthly project reports to keep you on track? We have a proprietary process we developed to streamline and simplify the nuances of tracking expenses for each project and IT IS EASY-TO-UNDERSTAND!

Need sales tax help?

Are you unsure how to track and report your sales tax? We have mastered the art of sales tax and we KNOW it is a huge deal for interior designers. Because of this, we offer this service. Many of our clients feel this one service alone is worth what they spend in total for our services!

At Vintage Grey LLC, every client is unique. We will personally guide you through the entire experience, from initial setup to complete understanding of the financial health of your business.  We will be with you every step of the process.  


Small Package

•Monthly Bookkeeping 

•Monthly Financial Reports

•Custom Financial Reports

•Unlimited Email and Phone Support

•Monthly Financial Statement Review

•Sales Tax Tracking & Filing 



  • Weekly Bookkeeping

  • Weekly Project Tracking

  • Monthly Financial Reports 

  • Custom Financial Reports

  • Unlimited Email and Phone Support 

  • Monthly Financial Statement Review

  • Monthly Meeting (as needed)

  • Sales Tax Tracking & Filing 

Weekly Project Tracking Includes:

  • Categorize Transactions Weekly

  • Custom Weekly Report

  • Monthly Project Tracking Report



Custom quotes for tailored packages including cleanup/catchup and payroll are available. Please schedule a complimentary consultation to discuss details.

  • Recording and classification of financial transactions

  • Bank checking/savings, credit card, loan, and investment accounts reconciliation

  • Financial statement preparation with one-on-one review and interpretation

  • Budget preparation and review

  • Customized financial reporting

  • Catch-up of historical data (clean up books from previous months/years)

  • Account setup, subscription, conversion (from existing software) and on-going support of the cloud-based, accounting software system QuickBooks Online and document retrieval software such as HubDoc and Google Drive

  • Accounts payable management (bill pay)

  • Accounts receivable management with custom invoices

  • Inventory management

  • Email/phone support for various financial questions

  • Sales tax reporting

  • Profit optimization / Costs minimization

  • Benchmarking with industry-specific comparison data

  • Communication with accountant as needed

  • Continuous improvement suggestions such as software and apps to help your business

Do you need assistance in any/all of these areas for your business?  If so, we would like to discuss further with you.  We are certified and trained bookkeepers for interior designers.  We do not require a long-term commitment or contract and our services are tax deductible.